How To Make Bed Bugs Come Out Of Hiding?

Bed bugs are notorious for their deceptive behavior, which allows them to avoid human detection longer. These insects travel from point A to point B via unaware humans, animals, and inanimate objects, such as luggage, toys, handbags, backpacks, and overnight bags. Since the bed bug refuses to emerge from its hiding place while the household members are awake, it is difficult if not impossible to catch it in action. By the time, the obvious signs of a bed bug problem reach the surface, it is too late for household members. An infestation equals a satellite colony and main colony of bed bugs, which are only treatable through professional pest management. But, first, you must drive the insects out of their hiding place to determine if you have a genuine problem. Sometimes a bug bite is not enough to make this determination. In this case, evidence is crucial. Driving bed bugs out of hiding can be a drawn-out process if you do not know what you are doing. A list of tips is provided in the content below to give you a competitive edge over the bed bugs taking over your home.

How Can I Drive Bed Bugs Out Of Small Cracks And Crevices?

The largest adult bed bug is only seven millimeters in length, which is significant compared to many other household pests. Driving the bed bug out of hiding during the daylight hours can be challenging. But, with the right tools, it will go smoothly and quickly.
  • Mimic the bed bugs nocturnal behavior, by staying awake at night and sleeping during the day. If you can pull this off, you may just be able to catch the bed bug before it feeds on your blood.
  • Center your bed in the room to make room for CO2 emitters. These devices generate carbon dioxide that the sleeping human. This is how bed bugs know their hosts are asleep. Direct the CO2 emitter toward the suspicious areas for at least 15 minutes. It will take this long for the CO2 to permeate the bed bugs hiding place.
  • Utilize adhesive traps to capture the bed bugs as they emerge from their hiding places. Place the traps near the CO2 emitter to ensure the best results. Once the bed bug glue traps are filled, only then should you remove them outside to a trash bin.
  • Place a floor steamer in front of the area where you believe the bed bugs are hiding. It will take at least 15 minutes to penetrate wood, plastic, and other materials. When the bed bugs detect the hot steam, they will gradually emerge from their hiding places. You can take advantage of the glue traps for this project as well to maximize the results.
  • Utilize two space heaters to drive the bed bugs out of hiding. Place one heater on each side of the bed, directing the face toward opposite walls This tip actually works but will take about 20 minutes to drive the bed bugs out of their hiding places.
  • Bed bug contaminated bed linen and clothes should be laundered on the maximum temperature setting for at least 15 minutes. Before transporting to the laundry room, it is recommended to slowly remove the bed linen from the bed and place it in a plastic garbage bag. Secure the bag and then transport it to the laundry room.

If All Else Fails, Utilize The Tip Provided Below!

Bed bug detectors are small devices utilized by exterminators to drive the insects out of their hiding places. The detector utilizes state-of-the-art technology to detect the small bed bug. An alert will be emitted immediately upon detection.

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