Stinging Insects

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Professional Stinging Insect Pest Management – Inspection, Consultation, And Quote

The stinging insect characteristic consists of wasps, hornets, and bees. These insect species belong to the order of Hymenoptera, which surprisingly includes the ant. Many members of the Hymenoptera order play a major role in pollination, a process of moving pollen from a male plant to a female plant. Without pollinator insects, plants like squash, cucumbers, pumpkins, apples, cherries, apricots, and strawberries. The same thing can also be said about the butterfly bush, fennel, lantana, marigold, nasturtium, salvia, calendula, and aster x frikartii.

Stinging insects may be helpful for industrial farmers and gardeners. But, many individuals view them as dangerous pests, especially the yellow jacket, wasp, and hornets. The honeybee does sting but only in rare situations, such as when a predator approaches the nest, in hopes of scoring some honey.

In Chicago, the most commonly reported stinging insect species include the paper wasp, yellow jacket, honeybee, carpenter bee, and bald-faced hornet. Contrary to belief, the bald-faced hornet is not a hornet but instead a yellow jacket.

How To Differentiate Between The Hornet, Wasp, And Yellowjacket?

Exterminators and scientists recommend two methods for differentiating between the many stinging insect species. These include physical characteristics and nest location.

Paper Wasp 

The paper wasp is a moderately aggressive stinging insect. The insect’s aggression level increases when under threat or stress. Humans should not approach a paper wasp nest without the proper safety equipment. The nest is slightly smaller than many other stinging insect nests. It is gray in color with a round shape and honeycomb pattern. Evidence shows the paper wasp nest is more commonly found under eaves, overhangs, decks, fences, and porches.

The paper wasp shares many of the same physical characteristics as the yellowjacket, but slightly larger with longer rear legs. The body is dark brown with yellow stripes. Unlike other insect species, the paper wasp’s antennas – orange – are a different color than its legs.


The yellow jacket is one of the most aggressive stinging insects. The insect’s aggression level is at its highest during breeding season – late fall and late summer. The nest is constructed from materials that replicate thin black and gray paper. Decks, porches, bushes, shrubs, and attics are the most common places utilized by yellow jackets for nesting.

The body is black with yellow stripes. Unlike the paper wasp, the yellowjacket antennas are solid black. The insect is an extraordinary flier, thanks to how its legs sit on the body during flight.

Bald-Faced Hornets 

Bald-faced hornets are very aggressive, and they get worse in late Summer and early Fall. When their colony gets larger, they’ll get more aggressive. Their nests can house thousands of individual stinging insects. They look a bit like teardrops and can be built on trees and building sides. Bald-faced hornets are black and white with smooth bodies.


Although they might sting, honeybees rarely attack. In fact, some honeybees have been trained to be very gentle around humans. Their nests are very complex, and they can be found on walls, trees, and rocks. Honeybees can return to the same nest for several years. They’ll store honey to ensure they can survive in the same nest. Honeybees are fuzzy with stingers.

Carpenter Bees 

Carpenter bees are one of the least aggressive stinging insects, so you can approach their nests without being stung. Carpenter bees tend to build nests that are three-eighths of an inch in diameter. Their nests are holes placed in wood surfaces, including decks and siding. They’ll use the hole they’ve built to care for the young. Carpenter bees are large and closely resemble bumblebees. Most are shiny with a black abdomen. Male carpenter bees are easy to spot since they have a yellow dot on their faces.

Immense Dangers Of Stinging Insects

Once stinging insects have invaded your property, you’ll have to worry about your health. Unfortunately, stinging insects are dangerous to some people. However, it is important to understand that not all of them are dangerous. First and foremost, you should know that not all stinging insects are dangerous. If you’re dealing with a male stinging insect, you can guarantee that they’re not going to sting. Honeybees and carpenter bees tend to be less aggressive than other stinging insects. As a result, you’ll need to identify the stinging insect species before determining how aggressive it is.

Yellowjackets are more aggressive, and they may build underground nests. You likely won’t be able to avoid underground nests because they’re hard to see.

Why Are Stinging Insects On My Property?

You’re likely wondering why your property attracted stinging insects. Well, you can rest assured knowing it likely wasn’t anything you did. Instead, stinging insects approach homes because they want to build nests. Unfortunately, homes across our service area offer plenty of nesting opportunities for stinging insects.

How To Get Rid Of Stinging Insects

At the end of the day, trying to deal with a stinging insect infestation will be dangerous. If you’re not cautious, there is a risk that you’re going to provoke an attack. Depending on the stinging insect you’re dealing with, you might get stung several times. For some people, it could be deadly. If you’re going to tackle the issue alone, it is best to wait until the sun goes down because stinging insects are less aggressive around this time. Alternatively, you can call us and use our stinging insect treatments. We know how to remove stinging insects from residential and commercial properties while minimizing the risks.

We use safe, eco-friendly treatments to get rid of stinging insects.

We Put Your Safety First

We understand that you want to get rid of your stinging insect problem as quickly as possible, but you don’t want to expose your loved ones to dangers. Our company relies solely on EPA-registered products to eliminating stinging insects. Work with us and you can rest assured knowing you’ll be protected throughout the entire process. Our exterminators will do everything they can to keep you safe during the process.

The Cost Of Eliminating Stinging Insects

You’ll want to get rid of the stinging insects as swiftly as possible, but you don’t want to overspend either. How much will you pay for our services? Ultimately, there is no universal price for our stinging insect removal services. Instead, we’ll determine the price based on the stinging insect on your property, the size of your property, the size of the nest, and the location of the nest.

Suffice to say, we’ll need to examine the situation before determining how much to charge.

When Will I Hear From You?

Call us to learn more about our services. Schedule an appointment with us today and we’ll contact you back in 24 to 48 hours.

Blocking Stinging Insects From Your Home

There is no doubt that you’ll want to keep stinging insects away from your home. Once they’ve decided to build a nest on your property, getting rid of them will be difficult, and you might get stung. Unfortunately, there isn’t much you can do to keep stinging insects away from your property. For the best results, you should contact us and sign up for our home service program. When you pay an affordable annual fee, we’ll visit your home three times throughout the year.

During the visits, we’ll check for stinging insects. If we find any, we’ll treat your home immediately. You won’t have to pay for anything because the annual fee covers it.


Never approach a stinging insect nest without the proper skills, experience, and safety equipment. While some of these insect species are mildly aggressive, others are severely aggressive. And, it does not help that many people do not know how to differentiate between these insects’ nests.

Our stinging insect pest management includes routine visual inspection, custom treatment, and nest removal.

If you have any other pest control issues please check out other services.

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